26 Years Worth of Consulting, Advising & In The Trenches Dirty Work with 1,000's of Companies Of All Shapes & Sizes, In Hundreds of Industries & Dozens of Countries!
* we respect your privacy - will not be sold, rent, or leased *
...To Have An Instant Impact & Gain Massive Momentum In 3 Simple Steps
Step 1
Answer a few quick questions about the biggest challenges & brightest opportunities you're facing right now in your business and...
Step 2
We'll review your submission and contact you with either a refund of your deposit or to arrange a convenient time for your "Impact Session" with Ken. You're welcome to invite any appropriate team members to join as well.
Step 3
...on the "Impact Plan" you put together during your session with Ken so you can blow past any obstacles, then watch as your momentum quickly shifts into overdrive and your sales, profits and growth skyrocket!
Here's What His Clients & Business Associates Are Saying
"Ken's 'Super Powers' (and there are many) come from his entire life's journey, really.
Because of the unique path he took to get where he is, starting on the East Coast, then cutting his teeth in Silicon Valley in the 90's and expanding globally from there, the singular focus he's had throughout his life on learning everything there is to learn about growing businesses off and online...
...,I guarantee you'll find that he's "singularly unique" in his ability to understand You, Your Business, Your Offers & Your Ideal Customers, perhaps better than you ever have yourself...
He'll create messaging, branding and offers that will speak to your audience in a more powerful and effective way while also showing you a clearer & larger vision for your business than you've ever had.
Watching this man work and getting focus on your business is a sight to behold, I tell you!"
Adil Amarsi - World Class Copywriter & Offer Expert AdilAmarsi.com
"Ken has been strategizing and working with us over the last year [Referring To 2015] to double our business from $500,000 to over $1,000,000, our 1st 7-Figure Year Ever! Thanks Ken For Everything!"
Founder, Live Your Message & The Experience Product Masterclass
Marisa Murgatroyd
"There's literally NOBODY ELSE that I'd call before Ken when trying to figure out what we're missing or what we can possibly do better in any of our campaigns."
1 Of The Godfathers of Internet Marketing
Don Crowther
"People throw the words 'Brilliant' & 'Genius' around so easily - especially in the Online Business World. Well I'm here to tell you that there are very few people I've met in my Career, across the entire world that those words apply more to than Ken."
Global Business Investor - Built & Sold Over 30 Multi-Million Dollar Companies
Mark McRae
Want To Get UNSTUCK Right Now? Want To DOUBLE or TRIPLE Your Sales & 10X Your Profits? Then let's talk...